Ontem fui a casa de um vizinho para conhecer como e preparado esse doce. Tinha varias criancinhas super fofinhas la, fiquei louca!
As I already said before, the New Year here is very important and celebrated. Many companies close the doors on December 28 or 29 until January 3rd. Is a sacred season and to celebrate the coming year, people gather to prepare the "mochi" (typical candy).
Yesterday I went to my neighbor's house for prepare this candy, Had many super cute kids, I was crazy!
1º Passo: O arroz de moti e cozido.
1º Step: The moti rice is cooked.
2º Passo: O arroz e colocado em um gral.
2º Step: The rice is placed in a gral.
3º Passo: O arroz e sovado com um maço ate virar uma massa.
4º Step: The rice is kneaded with a mallet until become a mass.
4º Passo: A massa e dividida em pedacos e jogada numa mesa.
4º Step: The mass is devided in pices and putted in a table.
5º Passo: A massa e recheada e enrolada ate formar um bolinho.
5º Step: The mass is stuffed and mixed until form a little cake.
Existem varios sabores de moti: feijao azuki (o mais tradicional), cha verde, chocolate, morango, frutas, sakura (aquelas flores lindas), sorvete, shoyu com acucar etc...
There are many flavors of moti: azuki beens (the most tradicional), green tea, chocolate, strawberry, fruits, sakura (those pretty flowers), ice cream, shoyu with sugar etc...
O meu favorito e o de morango com chocolate!!
My favorite is the strawberry with chocolate!!
Mas e claro que eu tentei...
It's sure I tried...
E quase matei minha fotografa!
And almost killed my photographer!
Quero filinhos assim....
I want kids like that...
love your blog!
ResponderExcluirThank you!!! I know you? =)